
Trauma and PTSD

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is a condition that can affect people after they experience or witness an event that is terrifying, stressful, or life-threatening. The symptoms can vary from person to person, but typically include persistent nightmares, flashbacks/flashbacks with intense emotional distress (fear), negative changes in mood and behavior, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, and problems sleeping.

There is currently no one cure for PTSD – it’s something that needs ongoing treatment over time. However, treatments such as trauma therapy can help patients feel better overall and improve their quality of life. In fact, many studies have shown that trauma therapy is more effective than traditional psychiatry interventions at treating PTSD Symptoms.. 

So why should you consider using trauma Therapy? There are several reasons: 

  • Trauma therapy has been shown to be highly effective at reducing symptoms associated with PTSD..
  • Trauma Therapy sessions are short enough so as not to overwhelm patients..

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